virtual reality-stills -- 1999-present
Selected still images are available as limited edition archival giclee prints.
CAVE environment, reconstructed world of 3d scans of war crimes from Ukraine, in process 2023-24
CAVE environment, reconstructed world of 3d scans of war crimes from Ukraine, in process 2023-24

CAVE environment, reconstructed world of 3d scans of war crimes from Ukraine

3d scans of war crimes from Ukraine

Visualizations of 3d scans of war crimes from Ukraine

Visualizations of 3d scans of war crimes from Ukraine

Visualizations of 3d scans of war crimes from Ukraine

Visualizations of 3d scans of war crimes from Ukraine
visualization of 4 worlds, in progress

"Body w/0 Organs", dual-channel stereographic VR projection with audio, (DIY geowall), pop-up installation, Greenwood Mall, Bowling Green Ohio, 2008

"Body w/0 Organs", dual-channel stereographic VR projection with audio, (DIY geowall), pop-up installation, Greenwood Mall, Bowling Green Ohio, 2008

"Body w/Organs", dual-channel stereographic VR projection with audio, (DIY geowall), pop-up installation, ”, the Temple of Technology, Ingenuity Festival, Cleveland OH, 2008

"Body w/Organs", dual-channel stereographic VR projection with audio, (DIY geowall), pop-up installation, ”, the Temple of Technology, Ingenuity Festival, Cleveland OH, 2008

"Body w/Organs", dual-channel stereographic VR projection with audio, (DIY geowall), pop-up installation, ”, the Temple of Technology, Ingenuity Festival, Cleveland OH, 2008

"Body w/Organs", dual-channel stereographic VR projection with audio, (DIY geowall), pop-up installation, ”, the Temple of Technology, Ingenuity Festival, Cleveland OH, 2008

"Body w/Organs", dual-channel stereographic VR projection with audio, (DIY geowall), pop-up installation, ”, the Temple of Technology, Ingenuity Festival, Cleveland OH, 2008

“iDMAa /iDEAs - AN EXHIBITION OF CREATIVE WORK” The International Digital Media and Arts Association (iDMAa), Orlando, Florida

"Body w/Organs", dual-channel stereographic VR projection with audio, (DIY geowall), pop-up installation, ”, the Temple of Technology, Ingenuity Festival, Cleveland OH, 2008

“iDMAa /iDEAs - AN EXHIBITION OF CREATIVE WORK” The International Digital Media and Arts Association (iDMAa), Orlando, Florida

"Body w/Organs", dual-channel stereographic VR projection with audio, (DIY geowall), pop-up installation, ”, the Temple of Technology, Ingenuity Festival, Cleveland OH, 2008

“iDMAa /iDEAs - AN EXHIBITION OF CREATIVE WORK” The International Digital Media and Arts Association (iDMAa), Orlando, Florida
“iDMAa /iDEAs - AN EXHIBITION OF CREATIVE WORK” The International Digital Media and Arts Association (iDMAa), Orlando, Florida
“iDMAa /iDEAs - AN EXHIBITION OF CREATIVE WORK” The International Digital Media and Arts Association (iDMAa), Orlando, Florida

"Body w/Organs", dual-channel stereographic VR projection with audio, (DIY geowall), pop-up installation, ”, the Temple of Technology, Ingenuity Festival, Cleveland OH, 2008

“Mediated Nature: An Exhibition of Sonic, Visual, and Interactive Art”, National group exhibition, Here Here Gallery and Performance Space, Cleveland Ohio;

“Mediated Nature: An Exhibition of Sonic, Visual, and Interactive Art”, National group exhibition, Here Here Gallery and Performance Space, Cleveland Ohio;

“REV 24—The Body w/o Organs” VR installation in CAVE™ environment, The Graphics and Visualization Center, Brown University, Providence RI

“REV 24—The Body w/o Organs” VR installation in CAVE™ environment, The Graphics and Visualization Center, Brown University, Providence RI

“IMMEDIA 2002--The Senses” "REV17 The Body w/o Organs", Virtual Reality Installation in CAVE™ Environment, Virtual Reality Lab, Media Union, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

“IMMEDIA 2002--The Senses” "REV17 The Body w/o Organs", Virtual Reality Installation in CAVE™ Environment, Virtual Reality Lab, Media Union, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
“Taxonomies--The Body w/o Organs” VR installation and digital prints, Houghton House Gallery, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY

“Taxonomies--The Body w/o Organs” VR installation and digital prints, Houghton House Gallery, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY

“Taxonomies--The Body w/o Organs” VR installation and digital prints, Houghton House Gallery, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY

“Building Myself a Body w/o Organs” VR installation in Hemispherium™ Environment, The Virtual Reality and Innovation Centre, The University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, UK

“Building Myself a Body w/o Organs” VR installation in Hemispherium™ Environment, The Virtual Reality and Innovation Centre, The University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, UK

“Building Myself a Body w/o Organs” VR installation in Hemispherium™ Environment, The Virtual Reality and Innovation Centre, The University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, UK

“Building Myself a Body w/o Organs” VR installation in Hemispherium™ Environment, The Virtual Reality and Innovation Centre, The University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, UK

“Building Myself a Body w/o Organs” VR installation in Hemispherium™ Environment, The Virtual Reality and Innovation Centre, The University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, UK
"Identity Construction Interface", (VRML2.0), Gallery of the Present-Extension" Group Net-Art Exhibition, Kunst Museum, Hamburg, Germany

virtual world for Palm Pilot, 2000, group exhibition "Through the Looking Glass"

virtual world for Palm Pilot, 2000, "Through the Looking Glass"
dystopian visualization of virtual world, 1999, group exhibition "DADA|DATA", 2002
dystopian visualization of virtual world, 1999, "DADA|DATA", 2002
virtual reality -video documentation 1999-present
augmented reality -- stills

"others in our world" gallery installation, Kent State Stark

avatars aka identity constructions 1989-1993