video and animations
Body and Blood, 2008 & 2019
Body and Blood is a fictitious DNA splicing machine that purports to accomplish transubstantiation, the conversion of bread into body and wine into blood. The code-based non-looping animation was built in 2008 and updated in 2019. Data of DNA sequences from the RCSB Protein Databank was modeled and animated using custom software. The piece has been exhibited as a projection, on a flat panel display, and as prints of still frames.
Exhibited: Kent State University at Stark, Lemmon Gallery, Canton Ohio
Spaces Gallery, Cleveland Ohio
Dorothy Uber Bryan Gallery, Bowling Green State University, Ohio
ArtHouse, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
Stocker Gallery, Lorain County Community College
E C H O S ( ἦχος ) 15 movements.
animation: Gregory Little 2012-2018
based on composition/performance of
"in soft echoes...a world awaits"
composer: Jeffrey Mumford
violin: Emma Shook
viola: Eliesha Nelson
cello: Martha Baldwin
gallery recreation of studio storyboard wall
for animation "E C H O S ( ἦχος )"
exhibited at the Stocker Gallery, Lorain County Community College
documentation of live performance
Movement One-Sonero et etereo
"in soft echoes...a world awaits"
composer: Jeffrey Mumford
performed by the Castle of our Skins string trio
An die Musik, Baltimore MD
installation of "E C H O S ( ἦχος )"
6 channel video and 12 channel audio installation
pop-up space, FireFish Festival
Lorain Ohio
stills of animations and installations
Selected still images are available as limited edition archival giclee prints.

"E C H O S ( ἦχος )" projected single channel video with The Miles Gilbert Ensemble w/ Jeffrey Mumford on piano. Stohl Hall, Oberlin College Conservatory-2020

"Body & Blood" code-based 3d animation of DNA protein sequences, 2008, 2019
"E C H O S ( ἦχος )", 6 channel video, 12 channel audio popup installation, FireFish Arts Festival, Lorain OH-2018

"Body and Blood", ArtHouse, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, 2006

"Body and Blood", ArtHouse, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, 2006

"Body and Blood", installation, Stocker Gallery, Lorain County Community College, OH-2016

single channel video projections, popup installation, Lorain OH-2015

"Birds of Ohio", Ingenuity Festival, Cleveland OH 2012

"Crucible", popup installation, Cleveland Public Theater, w/Sarah Schuster & Nanette Macias-2012